Updates of the different Utility tools
The updates for the different modules since 2008_01_01 are listed below:
2022_06_18: Fact. Version 1.4-04: Use Bounding Surface values for Plastic Utilization (instead of Yield Surface values).
2022_05_01: Fahts Version 6-8: General Release..
2022_05_01: StruMan Version 5-1: General Release.
2019_11_01: Fahts Version 6-7: General Release..
2019_11_01: StruMan Version 5-0: General Release.
2018_07_03: Fahts. Version 6-6: Problems during processing of transformations.
2018_06_20: StruMan Version 496: Print of non-processed commands.
2017_11_24: StruMan Version 496: Handling of BNTRCOS.
2017_11_22: SacRed and StadRed : General Update.
2017_10_28: StruMan Version 496: General Update.
2016_03_10: p2sif : Eccentricity print.
2015_11_01: Fahts Version 6-6: General Release., See Release_Notes.
2015_11_01: StruMan Version 4-9: General Release.
2015_05_17: StruMan Version 487: General Update.
2014_01_01: StruMan Version 4-8: General Release.
2013_12_08: StruMan Version 476: General Update.
2013_12_08: SACred Version 3.2d: General Update.
2013_08_05: JntRes. Version 0.9-5. Screening for max utilization, (new option). Users manual added.
2013_04_27: SesNam Version 1.1: Handling of new GeniE output Format.
2013_03_20: StruMan Version 475: General Update.
2013_01_17: JntRes. Version 0.9-4. Specification of max stored steps to check.
2012_07_10: Strain. Version 1.0. Uploaded
2012_07_06: JntRes. Version 0.9-3. Extended print. Prepared for Ductility Limit Info.
2012_07_03: JntRes. Version 0.9-1. Corrected print of Brace IDs.
2012_05_17: SACred. Version 3.2. Handling of PGU and TEE sections. Extended Info-print.
2012_01_09: RAO2TS Version 1.0: Uploaded.
2011_12_08: StruMan Version 468: Fixed print of zero element IDs in GroupDef
2011_07_31: SACred. Version 3.1b. Handling of Alpha-Numerical Joint IDs.
2011_06_19: SACred. Version 3.1. Local coordinate system, (Chord Angle).
2011_06_19: Post. Version 1.5. New Strain algorithm.
2011_06_10: StruMan Version 465: MergStru, Keep NodeMass of Skipped Nodes.
2011_05_28: Fahts. Version 637: KFX grid checking.
2011_05_28: fact. Version 1.3. Shell element forces included.
2011_05_28: dynres. Version 1.7. KeyPost format included.
2011_03_04: dynmax. Version 1.4. Skewness and Kurtosis.
2011_01_30: SACred. Version 3.0a. Twisted 4-node shell element repair.
2011_01_11: CFD2Us. Version 1.4: Extended capacity for Point Visualization.
2011_01_09: Fahts. Version 636: Extended UserFire, New UserFlux. See updated manual.
2010_12_05: SACred. Error messages.
2010_11_29: Fatal. User Defined SN-curves.
2010_11_08: CodChk. Correctd API LRFD.
2010_07_26: SACred. Increased max number of Nodes to 20,000 and Elements to 30,000.
2010_05_17: SACred. Increased max number of Eccentricities to 20,000.
2010_05_09: Fahts. Version 633: UserTemp, Limitmod Cone option.
2010_05_09: StruMan Version 462: LimitMod Cone Option.
2010_04_01: Waj2Us. Version 1.1: CRNT handling, Group Specification.
2010_03_21: SACred. Version 2.8a: Skip Illegal Load Cases. Continue Printing.
2010_02_10: StruMan. Loa2Mass, (Load - to- Mass). Account for beam eccentricites
2009_10_18: Postfos. Added to the collection of Utility Tools.
2009_09_12: StruMan. SACS read update. (see SACred updaets below).
2009_09_12: SACred. Distributed Loads on segmented members.
2009_09_09: SACred. Wide format for cross section print, (optional).
2009_09_06: SACred. Version 2.8: One material per GRUP, (optional).
2009_08_31: SACred. Loads on Members with offset.
2009_08_17: SACred. Concentrated Member Loads.
2009_03_27: SACred. Load Case numbers. 1:1 between SACS->Usfos.
2009_03_07: StruMan. SACS read update. (PGRUP).
2009_03_06: SACred. PGRUP.
2009_02_17: StruMan. Conservative pressure for Shells (ShelPress).
2009_02_14: SACred. Extended decodeing.
2009_02_14: STADred. Extended decodeing.
2009_02_14: StruMan. Extended sacs and staad decodeing.
2009_02_14: StruMan. Extended sacs and staad decodeing.
2008_10_22: StruMan. SESAM format, Set Names.
2008_10_16: SesNam. SESAM format, Create Usfos labels for Joints and Members.
2008_10_04: StruMan. SESAM format, Set Names.
2008_09_09: Post. Strain Accounting for Dented tubes (relevant for boat impact).
2008_08_26: PlotKin . GridWave, free gridcell coordinate boundaries.
2008_08_17: StruMan. SESAM format, partly loaded beam & Ecc
2008_08_16: Fatal. User defined thickness correction. ( BraceGeo Joint Brace D T [thicCorr] )
2008_08_06: StruMan. SESAM format, partly loaded beam & Ecc
2008_06_26: StruMan. Repeating NodeMass definitions (accumulating)
2008_06_15: SacRed Load input, handling of comments. Some PSI improvements.
2008_06_15: StruMan. PileGen. Aid for generating Usfos Pile input
2008_06_04: Fahts. One side radiation.
2008_04_25: StruMan. Merge Substructures , handling of groups.
2008_04_11: StruMan. Merge Substructures , handling of groups.
2008_03_25: CFD2Us. User defined first load case to use
2008_03_15: CFD2Us. Adjusting Time (adding a constant increment)
2008_03_04: Fahts. Interface and CoolMedium options
2008_02_16: StruMan. MakeLoad option (Hydrostatic pressure)
2008_01_31: SumDam. User defined number of digits in "Case Number"